
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 小小蜘蛛兒

歌詞: The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout. 小小蜘蛛兒爬上排水管. Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.

聽《Itsy Bitsy Spider》學「水管」的英文 - TOPick

《Itsy Bitsy Spider》是我最喜歡的經典兒歌,歌詞有動物spider(蜘蛛)、動作、落雨、陽光。 除了《Rain Rain Go Away》,落雨唱這首歌也很合適。

小蜘蛛》(The Itsy Bitsy Spider),ABCmouse.com ...

v. 噴出; 濺迸; 滔滔而辯; 吟唱; 典當; 嘴管; 奔流; 傳遞點當物的斜槽; 當舖; n. 噴出; 濺迸; 滔滔而辯; 吟唱; 典當; 嘴管; 奔流; 傳遞點當物的斜槽; ...

The Itsy Bitsy Spider-歌詞- Super Simple Songs

The itsy-bitsy spider有隻小小的蜘蛛. Went up the water spout在水管上奮力不懈往上爬升. Down came the rain突然下起了雨. And washed the spider out小小的蜘蛛被 ...

小蜘蛛爬水管Itsy Bitsy Spider | Incy Wincy Spider

... 中文兒歌#經典兒歌#nurseryrhymes #kidssong #forkids # ... 小蜘蛛爬水管Itsy Bitsy Spider | Incy Wincy Spider | 經典熱門兒歌| Kids ...

【蕃尼儿歌】EP34 小小蜘蛛Itsy Bitsy Spider | 中文儿歌童谣

Subscribe YOUKU KIDS, let your children have a happy childhood: https://bit.ly/36QJNWu YOUKU KIDS aims to help children grow happily and ...

小小蜘蛛| Itsy Bitsy Spider

小小蜘蛛| Itsy Bitsy Spider | Wekiz Nursery Rhymes & Songs For Children ; 2:12 · Pancake Manor - Kids Songs · 53M views ; 35:58 · 兔小贝Beckybunny ...

英文童謠The Itsy Bitsy Spider - BigFish自由自在的魚

歌詞有不同的版本,我就教外甥女唱了我學到的版本,歌詞是在說有隻小(itsy bitsy)蜘蛛爬上水落管(spout),雨水把牠沖刷下來,太陽出來把雨曬乾,小蜘蛛又再次 ...


現今流行美國叫The Itsy Bitsy Spider,解 微蜘蛛 ,英國叫The Incy Wincy Spider,亦解微蜘蛛。 澳洲同英國一樣。 呢兩個歌名出自開頭。


歌詞:Theitsybitsyspiderwentupthewaterspout.小小蜘蛛兒爬上排水管.Downcametherain,andwashedthespiderout.,《ItsyBitsySpider》是我最喜歡的經典兒歌,歌詞有動物spider(蜘蛛)、動作、落雨、陽光。除了《RainRainGoAway》,落雨唱這首歌也很合適。,v.噴出;濺迸;滔滔而辯;吟唱;典當;嘴管;奔流;傳遞點當物的斜槽;當舖;n.噴出;濺迸;滔滔而辯;吟唱;典當;嘴管;奔流;傳遞點當物的斜槽; ...,Theitsy-bitsyspide...